Stock 1200 – 1600

Rebuilt 1200 – 1600 Long Block Engines

All Mild Rebuilt Engines Include a 12 Month / 12,000 Mile Warranty!

For street driven vehicles.


Engines are sold with a flywheel and includes all needed gaskets and seals

Installation is available from
Type 1 $1200.00
Type 2 $1400.00
Type 3 $1400.00


To build a quality engine, you must start out with a good case. After disassembling the engine the case is washed, inspected, align bore main and cam, and case saved if needed.
Thoroughly clean again, then install original main and rod bearings onto a reground or polished crank with a German gear set.
Install an inspected set of rods, cam bearings and a good cam. Install a set of matched reground lifters. Use good German sump plates because they are a lot thicker and stronger than Brazilian.
Fit it with a new sump screen and gaskets. Install a surfaced machined pump and cover. After all the head studs have been installed, check the deck height and c.c. both heads. Then setup a compression ratio 7.5:1. Clean the new pistons and liners, of any Cosmoline and apply oil before assembly.
Install the pistons and liners, deflector tins, new pushrod tubes with red silicone seals and the heads before the sealant dries.
The heads have been thoroughly cleaned inspected for cracks and sunken seats. Then run through our Shot Peen machine for superior cleaning. The valve seats are then cut and the exhaust valves are replaced with new valves.
The heads are fly-cut and matched to be identical. After the heads have been installed pressure check the heads on the engine to make sure there are no leaks.
Install German rockers and pushrods and adjust the valve lash, spray the rockers with a special lubricant so during start-up they do not run dry. Install valve covers and re-bend the bails so they will have the same strength as they did when they were new.
Install a good red German Elring flywheel seal and set end play and torque it using Loctite.


This is what your vehicle was originally equipped with from the factory, It could have been replaced with something different.

If you’re not sure what you have email us some pictures

Or you can call us (619) 443-9076 


If you want a 1641, add $100.00 to any 1600 long block on this page.


T-1 Beetle, Karmann Ghia & Thing 1961 – 1975

Part number Year Description Price Core charge
1200 x 1961-65 1200cc 40 hp w/rebuilt heads and a 6v-180mm flywheel 1795.00 750.00
1385 x 1961-65 1385cc Big Bore 40 hp w/rebuilt heads and a 6v-180mm flywheel 1895.00 750.00
New 1966 1600cc 100% New single port and a 6v-180mm flywheel No Core
1600 n 1966 1600cc single port w/new heads and a 6v-180mm flywheel 1995.00 750.00
1600 x 1966 1600cc single port w/rebuilt heads and a 6v-180mm flywheel 1595.00 750.00
New 1967-70 1600cc 100% New single port and a 12v 200mm flywheel No Core
1601 n 1967-70 1600cc single port w/new heads and a 12v 200mm flywheel 1995.00 750.00
1601 x 1967-70 1600cc single port w/rebuilt heads and a 12v 200mm flywheel 1595.00 750.00
New 1968-70 1600cc 99.9% New single port and a rebuilt oil pump (autostick) No Core
1602 n 1968-70 1600cc single port w/new heads and a rebuilt oil pump (autostick) 2195.00 750.00
1602 x 1968-70 1600cc single port w/rebuilt heads and a rebuilt oil pump (autostick) 1795.00 750.00
New 1971-73 1600cc 100% New dual port and a 12v-200mm flywheel No Core
1603 n 1971-73 1600cc dual port w/new heads and a 12v-200mm flywheel 1995.00 750.00
1603 x 1971-73 1600cc dual port w/rebuilt heads and a 12v-200mm flywheel 1595.00 750.00
New 1971-73 1600cc 99.9% New dual port with a rebuilt oil pump (autostick) No Core
1604 n 1971-73 1600cc dual port w/new heads with a rebuilt oil pump (autostick) 2195.00 750.00
1604 x 1971-73 1600cc dual port w/rebuilt heads with a rebuilt oil pump (autostick) 1795.00 750.00
New 1971-73 1600cc 100% New dual port and a 12v-200mm flywheel (Thing) No Core
1605 n 1973-74 1600cc dual port w/new heads and 12v-200mm flywheel (Thing) 1995.00 750.00
1605 x 1973-74 1600cc dual port w/rebuilt heads and a 12v-200mm flywheel (Thing) 1595.00 750.00
New 1974 1600cc 100% New dual port and a 12v-200mm flywheel No Core
1606 n 1974 1600cc dual port w/new heads and a 12v-200mm flywheel 1995.00 750.00
1606 x 1974 1600cc dual port w/rebuilt heads and a 12v-200mm flywheel 1595.00 750.00
New 1974 1600cc 99.9% New dual port with a w/rebuilt oil pump (autostick) No Core
1607 n 1974 1600cc dual port w/new heads with a w/rebuilt oil pump (autostick) 2195.00 750.00
1607 x 1974 1600cc dual port w/rebuilt heads with a w/rebuilt oil pump (autostick) 1795.00 750.00
New 1975-79 1600cc 100% New dual port with a 12v-200mm flywheel (fuel injection) No Core
1608 n 1975-79 1600cc dual port w/new heads and a 12v-200mm flywheel (fuel injection) 1995.00 750.00
1608 x 1975-79 1600cc dual port w/rebuilt heads and a 12v-200mm flywheel (fuel injection) 1595.00 750.00


T-2 Bus 1960 – 1971

Part number Year Description Price Core charge
1620 x 1960-62 1200cc 40 hp w/rebuilt heads and a 6v-180mm flywheel 1795.00 750.00
1385 x 1960-62 1385cc Big Bore 40 hp w/rebuilt heads and a 6v-180mm flywheel 1895.00 750.00
New 1963-66 1600cc 100% New single port and a 6v-200mm flywheel No Core
1621 n 1963-66 1600cc single port w/new heads and a 6v-200mm flywheel 1995.00 750.00
1621 x 1963-66 1600cc single port w/rebuilt heads and a 6v-200mm flywheel 1595.00 750.00
New 1967 1600cc 100% New single port and a 12v-200mm flywheel No Core
1622 n 1967 1600cc single port w/new heads and a 12v-200mm flywheel 1995.00 750.00
1622 x 1967 1600cc single port w/rebuilt heads and a 12v-200mm flywheel 1595.00 750.00
New 1968 1600cc 100% New single port and a 12v-200mm flywheel No Core
1623 n 1968-69 1600cc single port w/new heads and a 12v-200mm flywheel w/mount 1995.00 750.00
1623 x 1968-69 1600cc single port w/rebuilt heads and a 12v-200mm flywheel w/mount 1595.00 750.00
New 1970 1600cc 100% New single port and a 12v-200mm flywheel w/mount No Core
1624 n 1970 1600cc single port w/new heads and a 12v-200mm flywheel w/mount 1995.00 750.00
1624 x 1970 1600cc single port w/rebuilt heads and a 12v-200mm flywheel w/mount 1595.00 750.00
New 1971 1600cc 100% New dual port with a 12v-200mm flywheel w/mount No Core
1625 n 1971 1600cc dual port w/new heads and a 12v-200mm flywheel w/mount 1995.00 750.00
1625 x 1971 1600cc dual port w/rebuilt heads and a 12v-200mm flywheel w/mount 1595.00 750.00


T-3 Notchback, Fastback & Squareback 1961 – 1973

Part number Year Description Price Core charge
New 1961-66 1600cc 100% New single port and a 6v-200mm flywheel No Core
1630 n 1961-66 1600cc single port carburetor w/new heads and a 6v-200mm flywheel 1995.00 750.00
1630 x 1961-66 1600cc single port carburetor w/rebuilt heads and a 6v-200mm flywheel 1595.00 750.00
New 1967 1600cc 100% New dual port carburetor with a 12v-200mm flywheel No Core
1631 n 1967 1600cc dual port carburetor w/new heads and a 12v-200mm flywheel 1995.00 750.00
1631 x 1967 1600cc dual port carburetor w/rebuilt heads and a 12v-200mm flywheel 1595.00 750.00
New 1968 1600cc 100% New dual port fuel Injection 12v-200mm flywheel & sensor No Core
1632 n 1968-72 1600cc dual port fuel Injection w/new heads 12v-200mm flywheel & sensor 1995.00 750.00
1632 x 1968-72 1600cc dual port fuel Injection w/rebuilt heads 12v-200mm flywheel & sensor 1595.00 750.00
New 1968-72 1600cc 100% New dual port fuel Injection automatic & sensor No Core
1633 n 1968-72 1600cc dual port fuel Injection automatic w/new heads & sensor 2195.00 750.00
1633 x 1968-72 1600cc dual port fuel Injection automatic w/rebuilt heads & sensor 1795.00 750.00
New 1973 1600cc 100% New dual port fuel Injection 12v-200mm flywheel & sensor No Core
1634 n 1973 1600cc dual port fuel Injection w/new heads 12v-200mm flywheel & sensor 1995.00 750.00
1634 x 1973 1600cc dual port fuel Injection w/rebuilt heads 12v-200mm flywheel & sensor 1595.00 750.00
New 1973 1600cc 100% New dual port fuel Injection automatic & sensor No Core
1635 n 1973 1600cc dual port fuel Injection automatic w/new heads & sensor 2195.00 750.00
1635 x 1973 1600cc dual port fuel Injection automatic w/rebuilt heads & sensor 1795.00 750.00

When we talk about “exchange” that means we need your old engine from your car.
After removing and disassembling all of the parts that bolt to the engine itself, this is the part we need back.
This is also called a core long block.

Here’s a link describing a couple of ways of Returning your core engine.

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